On this page:
5.2.1 Symbolistics
5.2.2 Kittle Buffer
5.2.3 SB-Fast  CGI
5.2.4 CL-Fast  CGI

5.2 Projects

5.2.1 Symbolistics

Symbolistics is a club for mathematics learning/research and language learning.

5.2.2 Kittle Buffer

Kittle Buffer, or KBF for short, is an extended Brainf**k implementation. KBF could also be explained as Killian’s Brainf**k.

5.2.3 SB-FastCGI

SB-FastCGI is a Common Lisp fastcgi API toolkit for SBCL, It contains a group of low-level API’s which like the c API of fastcgi, a group of fcgi-server implementations, and a high-level wsgi style interface.

5.2.4 CL-FastCGI

CL-FastCGI is a generic version of SB-FastCGI, targeting to run on mostly Common Lisp implementation.